Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby cape for Kyrie

It's 9 in the morning and all I can think about is knitting. I have two unfinished projects sitting next to me on the sofa and I want to start a new one...I guess that is the plague of the knitter. But I really need to finish both the projects because they are christmas presents.

This is the baby cape. It looks orange in this picture, but it's more like christmas red...cus it's for christmas. I hope it turns out ok. I thought my gauge was off at first but I checked it and it should be fine. I'll post more pictures when it actually looks like a cape. I still need to work on the hood part.
I went to my local knitting store yesterday to pick up some extra yarn for the scarf I am knitting and I know I could have been there for over an hour just looking at all the Malabrigo they had. And if you don't know what I am talking about then you need to find a store that sells it and go and buy some because it is amazing!!!!! So soft and the colors are incredible. i loveit loveit loveit loveit loveit!
Ok I guess I should actually work on stuff. I need to get my oil changed today too....and look for a job...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Wreath

Well since this is my first christmas on my own I decided to make my own wreath to put on my door. On the urban outfitters blog the designer Yokoo had instructions on how to make your own wreath out of yarn pom poms. YES!!!! I love it. So I went out today to try and find materials. I have everything but one color yarn. So I rushed home and started to make my first pom pom...not as easy as it looks.

My second one was a little better.

You pretty much have to wrap a crap load of yarn around to get a good pom pom and then you have to cut off a bunch to shape it. I just made this smaller red one.